How to Code Anything with ChatGPT


No experience + ChatGPT = Code ANYTHING

No, really. The AI revolution puts the power to write software applications in the hands of you, the uninitiated artist. Get ahead of the AI tsunami and learn how to leverage the tech revolution instead of being swept away by it.

You TOO can dive into the realm of coding with our innovative course designed for those who are starting from square one. "How to Code Anything with ChatGPT" is your entree to becoming proficient in Python, the language that powers animation studios and tech giants alike. You'll learn the basics of Python, but more importantly, how to use the AI power of ChatGPT to do the heavy lifting in complex code writing!

Equipped with the basic skills you've learned you'll be able to:

* Create a facial motion capture system from scratch
* Automatically upscale your renders using AI, as soon as they arrive in a render folder
* Write MEL code to automate just about anything in Maya
* Build an automatic rotoscoping tool
* Create a web control dial to set your home AC temp while you're out
* Set up an open-source project management server to keep your shots on track, and access it from anywhere on the planet
* Eliminate all those tedious spreadsheet tasks that keep you from enjoying your creativity
* Automate pretty much ANYTHING you want automated

By the end of this class you'll know enough Python concepts to implement and bug fix the code ChatGPT is generating. We'll take a look at the actual ChatGPT API and how to incorporate its AI right into our scripts. Finally, we'll look at how Github's Copilot can think ahead of you and write out tedious lines of code before you even realize that you need them!

Prerequisite: Basic computer knowledge and use. Helpful is an understanding of software such as Unreal Engine, Blender, Maya, Photoshop, ZBrush, etc.

Class Length: 30 hours

For those signing up for this class through a WIOA grant or other funding, email with the name of the class and your contact information.

If applying through your company's ETP, click here for the form and send to

Damian Allen
Price: $1,000.00
Thursdays 6:15 - 10:00pm 8/29 to 10/17/24
SKU: C4P 101